Played with a Siberian Husky Girl at Seagull Park 8.17, 2024

This afternoon, the temperature was about 28°C, but there was no sunshine, so I thought, "This is a chance!" and went to Seagull Park, a dog park in the city, for the first time in a while.
A Siberian Husky girl was at the dog park.
It seems that owners of northern dogs think the same thing. (lol)

Since Sachiki-san became an adult, he has a hard time getting along with boys, perhaps because he thinks of them as rivals, but he can get along with girls. (lol)
This Siberian Husky girl was full of energy and kept coming at Sachiki-san, so Sachiki-san got thrown off balance. Sachiki-san got punched in the face (lol)

Played with a Ball at Seagull Park 2.21, 2025

his dog park was originally attached to a hotel where you can stay with pets, but the hotel moved due to the aging of the building, so I was...